Welcome to the KRE8!Lab Platform
One of the leading experimental dance contest in the UK.
We're back this year presenting our solo concept battle and short film showcase!
When: Thursday 23 June 2022 5pm
Where: Centenary Square - Outdoor Space Birmingham International Dance Festival #BIDF22 #KRE82022
Guided by our hosts, a diverse cast of 8 international guest dancers will go head to head to the sound of a live band and a DJ, following various creative tasks and showcasing their best movement and creative abilities
Originally set as a 2vs2 Bonnie and Clyde (mixed gender e.g. Male and/or Female and/or Trans identified gender) dance battle contest set as a Live Lab and open to any style under the street dance umbrella and beyond, open to all ages, live music is a crucial part of the event as well as a DJ warming up the audience and filling in intervals.
From small origins, it has now grown to an international scale with guest dancers from UK and
abroad invited to compete.
KRE8! celebrated 6 years in the making in September 2021 !
Since the Covid19 pandemic we have created various online video contests and unique programs, streaming short dance films and interviews with leaders in the Experimental Dance scene like Drosha (Open Your Mind). (more info: KRE8.LAB )
KRE8! is available for touring under various formats and adaptable to many settings.
Instagram: @ KRE8.LAB

We presented the event in October 2018 at The Place (London) and we are now seeking like-minded partners to host a small KRE8! tour up north and other UK regions. N.B. The London event was also an open qualifier for a major event in France taking place in April 2019, so we're also at the beginning stages of connecting with other international programmes.
During B-Side Hip Hop Festival, KRE8! is normally tied up with a one week intensive laboratory ('LAB') for young creators wishing to expand their skill set for making dance and Hip Hop theatre work. The LAB runs Monday to Friday ending with KRE8! on the Saturday which offers a platform to showcase potential scratched works from the LAB.
The LAB is aimed at bridging Hip Hop and Contemporary dance, or for those wishing to work within those two genres, exploring improvisation, choreographic and movement tools which supports the idea of creating hybrid/collaborative works.
We’ve also realised that the LAB is a great way to prepare for the KRE8! battle allowing dancers to meet new faces and practice their improvisation skills.